AECT Standard 2
"AECT Standard 2 (Content Pedagogy): Candidates develop as reflective practitioners able to demonstrate effective implementation of educational technologies and processes based on contemporary content and pedagogy. Indicators:
Creating - Candidates apply content pedagogy to create appropriate applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and performance outcomes. (p. 1) • Using - Candidates implement appropriate educational technologies and processes based on appropriate content pedagogy. (p. 141)
Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates demonstrate an inquiry process that assesses the adequacy of learning and evaluates the instruction and implementation of educational technologies and processes grounded in reflective practice. (p. 116-117) 1 NOTE: Parenthetical page references are to Januszewski, A., Molenda, M., & Harris, P. (Eds.). (2008). Educational technology: A definition with commentary (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Managing - Candidates manage appropriate technological processes and resources to provide supportive learning communities, create flexible and diverse learning environments, and develop and demonstrate appropriate content pedagogy. (p. 175-193)
Ethics - Candidates design and select media, technology, and processes that emphasize the diversity of our society as a multicultural community. (p. 296)” (AECT, 2012)
Games We Play
Context & conditions — This website and the vodcast and podcast that go with it were created and recorded in my home. This project was completed in the fall of 2021. The Games We Play is a podcast and vodcast series about the different games people play and their histories. I personally have a gaming and streaming background which I was able to use on the vodcast and podcast creation and editing.
Scope — The Games We Play was created for EDET 603. This artifact demonstrates a few of the AECT standards. The project is made up of a vadcast, podcast, and a website. The overall project is one made for the larger unit.
Role — I was solely in charge of the design and development of The Games We Play. I researched, planned, outlined, created, recorded, edited, and built every aspect of this site and its contents. I did use a few free open copywrite photos. I was my own SME on this project having a gaming and streaming background.
Instructional Design — The goal of this artifact is to show that games can be utilized for learning. The message design was to take games and talk about how they can be used in teaching through gamification. (Morrison, 2019) (Richard, 2018)
Related performance indicator(s) —
The Games we play addresses AECT standards 2 and 3. It was created using the games as a platform to incorporate gamification into learning. This was done by utilizing new forms of media such as Podcasts, and Vodcasts. Engaging learning by talking about games they love and engaging teachers and parents by showing how games and help someone learn. (AECT, 2012)
Reflection — The second class for Fall of 2021 was EDET 603. This project reminded me of why I’m in school. I want to help people learn in fun creative ways. Especially when they might not know they are learning. Before this project, I had done streaming and content creation as a Twitch streamer. I hope to start expanding this and make more game information. In all honestly, I need to improve my video editing I couldn’t get the audio to play evenly with the software I was using. This project represents gamification and combines it with instructional design. I learned through this project how to combine both and help others in the process. I had never created a vlog or podcast before. I have taken what I learned in this class and been able to apply it to informational content I create in my current job.
Caring For Kittens Without Moms
Context & conditions — Caring for kittens without moms was created in fall of 2021. It was created to help someone who finds a kitten or kittens and needs to care for it/them until it/they can be taken to a rescue, shelter, or vet.
Scope — The purpose of this project is to save kitten lives. This was created with the Lancaster SPCA in mind. To help people help kittens. This was part of a larger unit that was done with a formative evaluation.
Role — I was solely responsible for this project as the developer and designer. I also acted as the SME being a bottle baby kitten foster.
Instructional Design — The goal of this project was achieved through design and developed into the final product. (Morrison, 2019) (Richard, 2018)
Related performance indicator(s) —
This project addresses AECT standards 1 and 2. It was created using preexisting evaluations. Developed to maximize the pedagogy in the shortest amount of time. (AECT, 2012)
Reflection — In August 2021 I started my journey with Dr. Arslan Ari in EDET 722. I learned about the Morrison, Ross, and Kemp model of learning along with ADDIE. These were all new concepts to me coming from a retail background of 20 years. I learned why a needs assessment is important in establishing what can be used to address the level of instruction needed as well as what the difference between types of needs. I wrote my first business style report in the class with my Front-End Analysis paper. All while overcoming taking care of my husband’s grandfather who needed someone to stay with him as a 24-hour hospice caretaker. It was one of the most rewarding firsts to be able to do this and create my first learning module ever. I learned so much in this class with what I could achieve. Looking back on the Front-End Analysis report and the Caring For Kittens Without Mom’s learning module